Protege movie synopsis
Protege movie synopsis

protege movie synopsis

The Protege has more depth than your everyday action picture. His bond with Anna is well conveyed on screen as Moody has taught Anna everything she knows. Maggie Q has some interesting scenes with the fine actor and Jackson handles his mentor scenes in a fashion absolutely personalized to the performer’s abilities. He gets to recite the kind of profanity his past roles have been associated with. Jackson hasn’t been as good as he is in this film in quite some time. Keaton gets some of the film’s best dialogue and the two characters have a great love/hate relationship especially in the scene where they eat at a restaurant together. Of course, he doesn’t imply the question to be about the sex but rather how long she’s been an assassin. In a hilarious sequence, Keaton’s Rembrandt asks Anna how long she’s been “doing this” after they have sex. This film would be nothing without the on screen rapport between Maggie Q and Michael Keaton’s characters in the movie. In a great scene, Anna escapes her captors as they fire away trying to hit her as she moves through the vents trying to stay one step ahead of the bad guys in the film. Although the bad guys kidnap and torture Anna, Rembrandt recommends that his goons use less harsh tactics to get the information that they desire from her.

#Protege movie synopsis series#

Anna must get revenge before she gets killed herself in a series of events that ultimately puts the evil but charismatic Rembrandt right in the center of everything. The story line of this film gets put into motion when Moody is apparently killed.

Protege movie synopsis